Sunday, November 4, 2007

By the way . . .

. . . after reading Leslie's infinitely more entertaining, infinitely
more informative, and infinitely more frequent blog (see the link at
right), I have unilaterally resolved to post more often, come heck or
high water (or unreliable broadband . . . or web filters . . .).

[Edit by Nana: Speak for yourself! My posts are entertaining, informative, and frequent! That's it, Leslie. It's on.]

Hopefully, though, figuring out this whole posting-by-e-mail thing
should help, so I can fire off brief missives from the classroom in
some of those rare free moments I steal during the day.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Aw, shucks, guys. "Interesting" and "informative" are definitely in the eye of the beholder -everything seems less interesting and blog-worthy when you're the one living it. (I mean, I practically fall asleep reading my old entries, especially the long ones.) And this beholder thinks your blog is great!! (Also, I am not just saying that so Nana won't attack me. Although fear of Nana would be reason enough... I have no doubt she could take me. Doesn't she know judo or something?)

...Anyway, thank you for the compliment (I'm actually blushing)!