Sunday, April 13, 2008

Internet Woes

Apologies for the lack of posts this week--we've been without internet since Friday.

PROBLEM: Justin and Nana want Internet.

SOLUTION: Justin and Nana call KT, get Internet, and pay for services rendered in a timely fashion.

90% SOLUTION: KT installs service, but never sends us a bill. When we call (more than once) to figure out how to pay them, they say the bill's in the mail. (Hah!) Then on Friday, less than 24 hours before the Penguins' game, they suddenly kill our connection--because we haven't paid our bill. Which they told us was coming. Which never arrived. Oh, and they don't do business on weekends, so we're out of luck until Monday night. Sweet!

In other news, I'll be headed to Japan with the 8th grade this week. Poor Nana will be left here all alone. Send her bunches of e-mails and stuff to keep her company, will you? Thanks!

PS: We still got to watch the Pens' game, on the big-screen Smartboard at the school. Which actually rocked.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Happy Black Day!! Oh,'re not single. Either of you.