Friday, April 24, 2009

300th Post - A Worthy Topic

I was visiting coworker Tammi's room last night to discuss enforcing the school's English Only Policy (ugh) and stopped to read some projects on the back wall. The students had made posters translating Korean proverbs: "A dragon comes from a small pond," which means great things can come from humble beginnings, and the like.

Then I stopped on this one:

"Someone who farted becomes angry."

The meaning of this Korean proverb, as explained by the student to Tammi? "When you're in a large group, and somebody farts, that person makes a big deal about it to cover up the fact that they're the ones who farted."

There you have it, folks: There is, in fact, a Korean equivalent for "He who smelt it dealt it." It's nice to know that no matter how many things feel foreign here, some human experiences are universal.

1 comment:

Mike said...


also: you have probably figured out by now that physical humor in east asian culture represents a much larger proportion of humor than in western culture, which more often employs sarcasm, twists, and unforeseen juxtaposition. I'm sure Justin would have a field day with this topic...maybe a future post?