Sunday, January 27, 2008

OMGHOLYCRAP Part III: "Worthy," indeed!

While I was back home, several people asked about the status of "my" romance novel - aka, Carla Kelly's upcoming romance novel in which the heroine has been bestowed with my name (for earlier installments in the OMGHOLYCRAP series, see here and here.) The title of the book has been approved - it will now officially be Worthy, after the hero Oliver Worthy (Massie, after the heroine, would have been my personal choice, but I suppose the secondary meanings are a tad more limited). And as to its release, here is the very latest word from Ms. Kelly herself:

Hi, Nana. Just wanted you to know that "our" book has been approved by the publisher. I'm thinking it will be out next November or December.
And I'm thinking I'd better get moving on Book 2!
Thanks again for the loan of your name.

Everybody, mark your calendars! I expect absolutely everybody I've ever met to purchase at least one copy of this book. All the cool kids will be laughing at the sex scenes with my name in it.* You don't want to be uncool, do you?

I didn't think so.

*Note: book may or may not have sex scenes. I promise nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! It will be SO creepy and awkward to read that book! I can't wait! I already told everyone at work about it. By everyone I mean the guy who sits next to me. He asked what your name was and I told him. He was like, um I guess that is a weird name but why would you want it in a romance novel? I was like LOSER! LOSER! You will NEVER UNDERSTAND!

----Guess who